Capacity Management

Resource Types

(Everything that's limited)


  1. Memory
  2. CPU
  3. IO-Load (IO/sec)
  4. Disk Space
  5. Network (Bandwith, Load/Ports on Switches,...


  1. Licenses
  2. Capacity related Parameters
  3. (e.g. database parameters as listed in V$RESOURCE_LIMIT)
    Note: Increase of capacity related parameters might increase utilization of other resources, e.g. memory)

Initial Steps

Goal: Understand workload and resource utilization and describe as mathematical model.

  1. Document current Resources
  2. Measure and Document Resource Utilization (Baseline)
  3. Derive a Mathematical Model
  4. Initial Cleanup
  5. Analysis: Identify potential Resource Wastage and quantify benefit of improvements

Ongoing Activity

  1. Capacity Reporting: Track Resource Utilization over time and benchmark against the Mathematical Model
    • Measure and Record Resource Utilization over time
    • Measure and Record Workload over time
    • Verify that Resource Utilization does not grow stronger than the Workload
  2. Address and Manage Deviations from mathematical Model
  3. Capacity Planning
  4. Obtain Business Forecasts.
    Based on

    • Current Resource Utilization
    • Current Reserve
    • Business Forecast

    the mathematical model will show if

    • current capacity reserves are sufficient for the next planning period
    • resource extensions are required, or
    • resources can be decreased and re-allocated to other growing or new projects